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RS21 Smart Datums for Building Sites

For building sites with plastering and to securely mark axes. Simple - safe - extremely accurate
















Rothbucher Systeme’s RS21 Datum Markers are the best way to stay accurate before and after plaster or stucco Won’t it be nice to keep the same backsight and benchmark, directly attached to critical points, during the whole project? Won’t you appreciate the security of knowing you can always check in with primary control?


Rothbucher Systeme RS21 Datum Markers are the smart, high-precision way to keep control monuments in place before and after surface treatments. These are low profile, self-adhesive markers that attach easily to the points that you want to monitor, and flexible stubs on the sturdy, UV resistant marker body are easy to find after plastering. You’ll find your control easily, and cleanup and refinishing is minimal.

In some situations, Berntsen recommends additional epoxy or screws for enhanced monument stability. You don’t want to be scratching your head, contemplating a blank wall where your control used  to be—try these handy construction references on your next project!


Great for backsights, check shots, elevation references and monitoring situations, ‘Smart from the Start’ Rothbucher Systeme markers are the best way to take advantage of your investment in high tech survey equipment. Save crew time, keep employees out of danger, get better data, and feel more secure about construction layout: can you afford not to use Rothbucher Systeme markers?

RS21 Datum Marker

  • For the permanent security of the level even after the plaster work.
  • For the security of established height ratios even after the plaster work.
  • To ensure the security of axes.
  • The Datum Marker remains as proof under the plaster.


Berntsen International, Inc.
  • 1-800-518-0934
  • All other countries:
  • +1-608-249-8549
  • PO Box 8670
  • Madison, WI 53708-8670
We accept VISA, Master Card, American Express and Discover Card.