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Protect your buried facilities from damage and customize your markers online

Berntsen can also add your company logo or any 811 Call Before You Dig logo to any of our concrete markers (additional costs do apply - call for details)Berntsen Concrete Utility Warning Markers are a perfect defense against damage to buried facilities. These markers can be placed in either wet concrete or drilled and epoxied into existing concrete.

Do you have a company logo or "811 Call Before You Dig" logo you would like to use? Berntsen will also assist you with your custom logo. We accept digital artwork via email or disk in the following formats, .dxf, .dwg, .tif, .jpeg (.tif & .jpg minimum of 150 dpi).

Call us toll-free at 1-800-356-7388 or email us at [email protected] with your custom logo needs. We would be happy to help you design your concrete marker.

Our aluminum material is versatile and resistant to most environment conditions, however, if the survey markers are intended to be used in high traffic or caustic environments, such as roadways or salty conditions, we highly recommend using bronze survey markers to improve the lifetime of the markers.

Concrete Marker Installation Guide

Countersink Drill Bit Video for Berntsen Concrete Utility Markers


Berntsen International, Inc.
  • 1-800-518-0934
  • All other countries:
  • +1-608-249-8549
  • PO Box 8670
  • Madison, WI 53708-8670
We accept VISA, Master Card, American Express and Discover Card.