The primary function of the above ground pipeline markers is to identify location and alert those who might be working in the area. In accordance with the PHMSA, underground pipelines should be marked with permanent pipeline markers in a "line-of sight" fashion to indicate presence and location. These pipeline markers should also carry the type of pipeline ex: Natural gas, and contact information of the company that operates the pipeline.
With the demands for more bandwith combined with increased competition and regulatory changes, there has been an explosion of long-distance, fiber optic cable deployment. According to one study, nearly seven million miles of cable was installed in North America in the year 2000 alone.
The Natural Gas Industry will enjoy double-digit growth over the next decade with natural gas currently supplying one-third of our nation's total energy needs. Natural gas utilities operate and maintain more than 1.2 million miles of underground pipelines.
Billions of dollars are spent in installing, maintaining, and upgrading buried utility service lines. Isn't it ironic that all this technology can be immobilized by a $50 shovel?
DAMAGE PREVENTION - More than 60% of all service interruptions (buried utilities) are caused by accidental rupture due to excavation. Installing highly visible, legible and accurate location and identification markers can easily prevent these very costly and often dangerous accidents.
Carsonite International has been providing location and identification products for more than 20 years. Economical, easy to install and resistant to weather, vehicle, and vandal damage, Carsonite marking products are your first line of defense against accidental damage.
LOCATION - Carsonite markers are used to accurately communicate the location of buried fiber optic lines, gas pipelines, or other buried utilities. Color and form, along with the use of directional arrows can clearly delineate the location and direction of buried lines.
IDENTIFICATION - The visibility and legibility of the marker determines the marker's effectiveness in identifying the owner of the buried pipeline. Legible, accurate and up-to-date one-call or service-provider numbers are crucial to damage prevention. With a full line of identification and location products available, you can choose the Carsonite marker best suited for the type of terrain, vegetation density, proximity to residential areas or areas with a high vehicle impact possibility.